
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

World Fantasy Convention 

I just spent four days at the World Fantasy Convention, a writer's conference held this year in Calgary. It was absolutely wonderful to spend time with my writer friends, including Melinda Thielbar, Lucy Snyder, and Gary Braunbeck, who was nominated for a World Fantasy Award.

I celebrated with my fantastic editor of my upcoming novel Voracious, and enjoyed a delicious annual dinner my agent throws for all his clients. Good company was found everywhere, and the weekend was full of stories of writing, publishing, travel, and a vast array of interests.

On Sunday I moderated a panel on the evolution and changing roles of the vampire and the vampire hunter with Jason Nahrung and Suzy Charnas. We had a great turnout and a lot of fun discussing the subject.

I then attended the World Fantasy Awards banquet, again with my fantastic editor. Our table brought home three awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award for Pat McKillip, a best novel award to Guy Gavriel Kay, and Best Novella to Elizabeth Hand. The introductory speech by M.C. Tad Williams was hilarious.

posted 11:42 PM


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